Yes, I do
want the best research!

Clinical trials are our investment in the future!

With our research, we study diseases and hope to save many lives. Our studies are diverse and range from studies using rapid tests detecting current diseases to vaccine trials preventing illnesses.

You too can support our work!

We have set up a Volunteer Registry (v-reg) in which you can register. You always decide for yourself whether and in which studies you really want to take part in the future!

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“As Lord Mayor of the innovative healthcare centre of Cologne, I support the University Hospital of Cologne’s plans to conduct medical research to the highest standards!”

Henriette Reker

Lord Mayor of the City of Cologne



Our survey on the polio vaccination status to assess protection in Germany. This survey was conducted after polio virus was found in wastewater in the UK in the summer of 2022.


In our MAK5-50+ study, we use rapid tests to determine which viruses (SARS-CoV-2, influenza A and B, adenovirus, RSV) cause cold symptoms in people 50 years and older throughout Germany. The tests work like COVID-19 rapid antigen tests.


Our rapid test study on colds. In 2023, a 5-fold rapid test was used to determine which of these five viruses were responsible for cold symptoms: SARS-CoV-2, influenza A and B, adenovirus and RSV.


Our trial on COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 5 to 11, which aims to find out whether a lower dose of the vaccine is sufficient to protect children after a COVID-19 infection.


Our COVID-19 booster vaccine trial for people over the age of 18. In 2022,we investigated whether a booster vaccination is necessary and when it should best be administered.


Our vaccine trial for the third and fourth vaccination against COVID-19 in people over 75 years. The trial was conducted with already approved vaccines in 323 participants in 4 countries.